Am I Eligible for Township Assistance and What Information do I need to Provide?
In order to be eligible to receive Township assistance, you must meet the following requirements: |
The Application ProcessCall our office for an appointment prior to coming in person.
There is an application process and documents needed to qualify (this list is included below). The application is a legal affidavit and must state your situation as accurately and completely as possible. If you need assistance please contact a case manager at 317-788-4810 Intake hours by appointment only from 8:00-11:00 AM & 12:30-3:30 PM, Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri, closed 11:30-12:15, Wed 8:00 am - 2 pm, closed 11:30-12:00. If you are more than 10 minutes late for an in-person appointment, your appointment may be rescheduled. Please call ahead so that we can adjust your appointment. This office operates under the Township Assistance Eligibility Standards for Perry Township Marion County, in addition to State and Federal laws. ![]()